go chinatown shop...shop...shop...shop...shop...shop...shop...shop... went home from chinatown
i want you
ivykoh:D is the name. 14++ is the age. 19.10.1994 is the date. K.K.H is the place. NCDCC is the C.C.A. yHsS is the current. 1N3'07/2N3'08/3N3'09 wGpS is the his. 1G'01/2I'02/3F'03/4B'04/5C'05/6H'06 [Refresh]
wAnT i NeEd ♥
-2nd piercing
-ADIDAS white sch shoes
-more $$$ to spare
-MYUK pencilcase
-MYUK wallet
-NEW ZINC sling bag -promoted to sec 3N3
-promoted to sec 4N_
-promoted to sec 5N_
-less than 19 for 'N'level
-less than 19 for '0'level
tEaChErS ♥
不潮不用花錢-jj.Lin ♥
nAgGiNgSS ♥
i won't be botherd to
scold those brainless spamer as it
would only waste my time